Saturday, August 13, 2022
The Concocted Crimes of “Orange Man” and Those Who Support Him
They can’t find actual examples of an epidemic of “White Supremacy.” So, they concoct them.
They can’t find actual examples of a “hate crime” epidemic and “systemic racism.” So, they concoct it all (think Jussie Smollett).
They can’t find real collusion of any kind between Donald Trump and Russia. So, they fabricate it.
They can’t find any examples of tax fraud by Trump, so they subpoena his taxes in the hopes that maybe they can find something. (Why are we not subpoenaing Nancy Pelosi’s tax returns?).
They tell us that Trump is a racist homophobe and still can’t offer a single example where he has spoken with malice toward anyone based on their race or lifestyle. (Some of his greatest supporters are from the groups the lying media want you to believe he hates).
They tell us non-stop that Trump is an authoritarian “fascist”…for enforcing a secure border, deregulating the economy, and defending free speech.
In milder accusations, we are told that he posted “mean tweets” when in fact he had simply responded with wit and sarcasm to mean tweets directed at him.
All this and the finger-pointers never get so much as a slap on the wrist after provable crimes on their part had been completely revealed — masters of projection.
Now, we are told that some major crime worthy of an FBI raid will finally remove the concept of “America First” from the left’s obsessions (they are decidedly NOT America first).
None of these pathetic banana republic tactics have given the worthless Democrats the win they hoped to produce. Their continued loss is not due to error or a lack of all the facts. Their failure is solely due to the fact every one of their accusations have been lies. Dishonest concoctions woven solely for the purpose of harming an innocent man and his associates so that a corrupt totalitarian clique can seize power over a nation and hand it over to a global dystopian nightmare.
The irony is that Trump, conservatives, and populists will not need to lie or concoct anything when investigations occur and justice finally prevails. If there is such a thing as karma, the shoe will soon be on the other foot and, this time, just accusations needn’t be concocted.